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According to Lakota Sioux prophecy, we are now in the time of the "7th Fire" - a time of profound earth changes (also foretold in the Book of Revelations and in the ancient teachings of the Kabbala) when we must all look to the traditional ways of North America, learn to bond with the earth and all living things, and come together in one mind, one heart and one spirit - before it is too late.
Based upon traditional teachings handed down to Floyd Looks for Buffalo Hand by his elders to deliver to people of all races, religions and nationalities during this critical era, Leaming Joumey on the Red Road describes the spiritual beliefs that have sustained the Lakota people since the beginning of time and reveals the prophecies of the White Buffalo Calf Lady (the Virgin Mary), who came to the author in a vision with important messages for all mankind.
Unlike most books on Indian spirituality, written from a "left-brained" perspective by authors of European ancestry, Leaming Joumey on the Red Road is written from the "right brain" by an American Indian author, in the language of his ancestors. It is a procedure - a circle of life - with common sense messages and prophecies that will appeal to anyone looking for self-improvement and a simple, holistic way of life.

'Tokatakiya Iciskanpo. "
Prepare for the Future.

"As you read what I have written, remember that spirituality here in North America is NOT a religion.  It is a way of life"

-- Floyd Looks for Buffalo Hand

Dear Internet Visitor:
"Learning Journey on the Red Road" is a book about the historical life experience of Native Americans -- and how it relates to every one of us   now, during the time of the Seventh Fire -- written through the eyes of the Indian Nation's most respected spiritual leaders, Floyd Looks for Buffalo Hand.
BookCvr.JPG (74433 bytes)Floyd has been a spiritual leader for the past three decades, traveling throughout the world with his message of hope. His teachings follow the traditions set forth by his ancestors who include his great-great-great grandfather Red Cloud.
Native American culture obviously differs dramatically from that of the "White Man's" culture. For instance:
  • The concept of individual "ownership" of land or natural resources is just as alien to Native Americans as it is for you to believe anyone can own the air we breath.
  • There are no orphans in Native American culture. A child who loses a father will find that the next nearest living male MUST take on the responsibility of the father, whether that person is a grandfather, uncle, older brother or next door neighbor.

"Learning Journey on the Red Road" is a book that will take you on a great journey into a culture that thrived in harmony with nature for centuries until the coming of the White Man.

Click below for an outline of the Book's contents. Also, please feel free to order a copy of this tremendous work that will help propel you into a whole new outlook of the world, your family and your neighbors. Note that Floyd Hand has insisted that the cost of this book be kept extremely low ($14.95 U.S.) so that all people can afford its inspiration.
Thank you for your interest and support. Click below for this website's main menu.
Stephen R. Flanagan
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