

050107 Minnesota Pork Board Holds Annual Meeting

January 5, 2005

All Minnesota pork producers who have paid into the mandatory pork checkoff are encouraged to attend the 2005 annual meeting of the Minnesota Pork Board (MPB). The annual meeting begins at noon Jan. 18 at the Minneapolis Convention Center.

Pork producers will discuss and vote on resolutions that relate to the mandatory pork checkoff and will elect the 2005 MPB executive committee and 2006 pork act delegates. The MPB executive committee members/pork act delegates serve one-year terms. The annual meeting will also include a National Pork Board update on domestic demand enhancement programs and a presentation on pork exports by a U.S. Meat Export Federation representative.

A nominating committee compiled the names for the MPB executive committee and pork act delegate ballot. Additional persons may be nominated from the floor during the annual meeting. The USDA determines the number of Minnesota pork act delegates based on the annual sale of hogs within the state. Minnesota's expected USDA allocation is 12 pork act delegates.


Meat Industry INSIGHTS Newsletter
Meat News Service, Box 553, Northport, NY 11768
