040423 Tyson Plant Workers Vote to Retain TeamstersApril 10, 2004Workers at the Tyson Fresh Meats Inc. beef plant have voted to keep Teamsters Local 556 as their union. The 708-657 vote was a victory for union leaders as they head into negotiations for a new contract. But the close decision underscored divisions among the approximately 1,500 plant workers over whether the union represents workers' best interests. "We're going to work very, very hard," Local 556 President Melquiadez Pereyra said after the vote. Plant manager Ray McGaugh said in a statement that the company was "disappointed with the outcome of the decertification election," which was the result of a petition started by a plant employee last year that collected signatures of at least 30% of the plant's union work force. "However," McGaugh added, "we hope the close vote sends a strong signal to union leadership that hundreds of their members want a more cooperative, less combative relationship with the company." Union leaders have said they intend to focus on improving worker safety and reducing the speed of the production chain in upcoming contract negotiations. The current five-year contract expires on May 30. McGaugh said the company was committed to "negotiating with the union in good faith on a new contract."
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