040207 Smithfield Pork Plant Closed After LeakFebruary 13, 2004Chicago - An ammonia leak at a Smithfield Foods Inc. pork plant in South Dakota sent 76 people to the hospital on Thursday, and the plant will remain closed on Friday as investigators search for the cause, fire department and company officials said. None of the injuries appeared serious although nine people were hospitalized overnight, a fire and rescue official said. A team of Smithfield engineers are at the Sioux Falls, South Dakota, plant investigating the leak. ``I don't think there will be production today,'' said Jerry Hostetter, Smithfield spokesman. The leak occurred at about midday on Thursday. Smithfield Foods is the nation's largest pork producer. The Sioux Falls plant has the capacity to handle about 15,000 hogs a day. It is unlikely production will be increased at other Smithfield pork plants because those plants are already operating at near capacity, said Hostetter.
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