040129 Pork Producers' Comments Sought on Animal ID PlanJanuary 25, 2004Input from pork producers and their allied partners is being sought on a draft of the US Animal Identification Plan (USAIP). The USAIP focuses on enhancing the nation's ability to locate and trace individual animals and/or groups of animals within 48 hours if an animal health emergency should arise. Mark Engle, the Pork Checkoff's director of swine health, who serves on the National ID
Steering Committee, encourages producers to go to While the pork industry already uses group/lot ID and individual ID, current identification
systems can be enhanced by establishing a standardized national premises identification system,
Pork Board says.
"We have had mandatory identification regulations for swine in interstate commerce since
1988," said Engle. "Therefore, we are simply looking at means to enhance an already effective
system. We clearly understand the areas that need improvement and will work to finalize a plan
that is not only efficient and effective, but also producer friendly."
The aim of the national identification system is to provide the opportunity to more effectively
address foreign and domestic animal health threats.
The USAIP has involved more than 100 animal industry and state/federal government
professionals from more than 70 allied associations/organizations, including the National Institute
of Animal Agriculture and USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
E-mail: sflanagan@sprintmail.com |