031144 Live Cattle Weights Rise, Hog Weights SteadyNovember 21, 2003According to USDA's Weekly Total Red Meat Production Report for the week ending November 15, live cattle weights rose and hog weights were steady. The report shows average live cattle weights at 1,236 pounds, up 6 pounds from last week, but 28 pounds lighter than year-ago. Live hog weights at 269 pounds were steady with last week and year-ago. Dressed cattle weights at 740 pounds were steady with last week and 24 pounds lighter than year-ago. Dressed hog weights at 200 pounds were steady with last week and year-ago. Total beef production was 1% higher than last week and 14.1% lighter than year-ago as slaughter dropped 11.3% from year-ago. Pork production was 2.2% heavier than last week and 4.9% above year-ago, as slaughter rose 4.4% from year-ago. For the year, total beef production is running 2.5% behind year-ago, compared to 2.2% behind last week. Pork production is 0.6% above year-ago, compared to 0.5% above last week Source: USDA Market News
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