031138 Burger King Apologizes to Breast-Feeding MomNovember 12, 2003Orem, UT - Burger King has served up a plain apology to a woman who said she was ordered by a franchise employee to stop breast-feeding her baby in the fast-food restaurant's dining room or leave. Kate Geary said she was made to "feel like a criminal" for breast-feeding her baby girl Monday and asked the burger chain for an apology. Miami-based Burger King Corp. issued a generic apology in a prepared release Tuesday. "Burger King Corporation and our franchisee apologize for any inconvenience any of our guests experienced at our restaurant on November 10, 2003," the release said. The company said its employee was simply responding to the request of another customer who was uncomfortable with Geary breast-feeding at the eatery. Geary was never asked to leave the restaurant, the statement said. "The general manager sent a female employee to speak with the woman and asked that she either cover herself or move to the ladies room," the company said in a prepared release. Geary contends she was fully covered. The restaurant , about 40 miles south of Salt Lake City, does not have a policy on breast-feeding. Utah state law says a woman has a right to breast-feed anywhere.
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