031127 Poultry Means Big Business in Sumter CountyNovember 13, 2003Sumter, SC - It's that time of year again in Sumter. It's time to fry up some chickens, throw some squab legs on the grill and get ready to slurp red pigeon stew. Palmetto Pigeon Plant President Tony Barwick says the bird is more than the word, "You've got turkey, chicken, pousson, quail, you name it in poultry, it'll be there tonight." Barwick has a passion for his poultry. His company raises the pousson or small pigeons until they're ready for slaughter and sale at upscale restaurants, "See that beautiful breast. That's what the customer really wants." The final feasts may be hundreds of miles away from the Sumter coops, but Barwick says the birds are big business, "What we do in Sumter has a significant impact." The evidence of the impact is in the numbers, not of birds, but of jobs. Palmetto Pigeons, Goldkist Chickens and Manchester Farms employ over 3000 people in Sumter County. It's the county's largest employer outside of Shaw Air Force Base. Sumter is a county that's seen it's share of unemployment at 7.3%, which is about a percent higher than the national and state averages. Barwick says through the economic slowdown, people still purchased pousson and the Palmetto Pigeon Plant had no layoffs, "You have the upscale clients, white tablecloth restaurants, and more are eating out than ever."
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