031052 US May Resolve Australian Free Trade BeefOctober 25, 2003The United States beef industry is promising to make concessions in the free trade talks with Australia, if the US Government in turn secures better access into the South Korean and Japanese markets. The free trade deal stalled because the US has refused to grant Australia greater access to its markets in a number of sectors, including beef. The US beef industry says it does not want to see the agreement collapse and is seeking balance in world beef trade. Greg Doud of the US National Cattlemens' Beef Association says the industry will grant concession to Australia if it gets something in reutrn. "We will allow more access for Australian beef into the US, only when and if we're able to obtain that same type of access in other international markets," he said. The US beef industry is trying to gain access to South Korea and Japan, which have prohibitive tariffs on American beef imports.
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