031038 National Feeder Cattle Weekly SummaryOctober 18, 2003Compared to the previous week, yearling feeder cattle prices were not well tested as supplies have been exhausted. Auction receipts were large but calves dominated the offerings at most salebarns, and there were very few direct sales of current delivery yearlings. However, prices on those available were mostly firm to 3.00 higher with some Midwestern auctions reporting sharply higher prices paid by farmer-feeders that have their corn harvested and ready to feed. The 350 head of Number 1 700-800 lb yearlings in Green City, Missouri brought 116.50-119.75 on Wednesday. Most of this week’s trading was on calves which sold 2.00-7.00 higher with the best demand for either heavy- weaned calves that can be placed on feed or thin lightweights that are suitable for early wheat pasture. Last week’s widespread moisture across the Plains sparked winter wheat fields and horizons are turning bright green from eastern New Mexico to eastern Kansas. This week’s reported auction volume included only 28 percent over 600 lbs and 44 percent heifers. Auction volume for the week: 384,300 this week; 357,100 the previous week; 342,900 the same week last year. Source: AgWeb.com
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