031036 Dodge, KS Plant to Transfer StaffOctober 18, 2003Dodge, KS - Elkhorn Valley Packing has purchased a meatpacking plant in Harper, Kan., and is planning to move its headquarters there. The meat company currently based in Dodge plans to move its offices and sale staff into the former Monfort livestock processing center in Harper, said Mike Grant, Elkhorn's president. Renovation of the plant is expected to begin within two weeks, with production targeted to start in April, Grant said. It is not clear how many jobs will be moved from Dodge to Harper, said Lynn Grant, the company's chief executive officer. Seventy people work at the company's main plant and headquarters in Dodge. It is the largest employer in Dodge, a village of 700 people. "It's all too early to tell what will happen," Grant said. The company's three sales positions are being relocated to Harper and other positions are likely to follow, he said. Mike Grant said the Harper plant employs at least 35 people with plans to expand to 75 workers. "We're excited about becoming a part of the Harper community," he said. "This will be a positive move for us, help us to lower expenses and keep in line with industry costs." To help restart the Harper plant, the Kansas Department of Commerce Economic Development awarded Elkhorn a $750,000 grant, which the company will match. At full production, the plant will process up to 225 head of cattle a day, Grant said. Elkhorn Valley has one other plant, in Wellington, Kan., which has about 40 employees.
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