030915 Jimmy Dean Takes Gold Medal Taste AwardSeptember 30, 2003Cincinnati, OH - Sara Lee Foods announced today that Jimmy Dean Fresh Taste. Fast! received the 2003 American Culinary Institute's Gold Medal Taste Award in recognition of its superior quality fully-cooked bacon. The American Culinary Institute (ACI), a division of Quality Institute International, is an independent, chef-based tasting and performance testing organization dedicated to honoring the Best of the Best culinary products in the marketplace to help consumers make informed choices. A panel of independent professional and accredited chefs representing ACI selected Jimmy Dean Fresh Taste. Fast! from leading national and key regional brands as offering the industry's superior tasting fully-cooked bacon. "This award supports our commitment to bringing flavorful, high-quality products to American families," said Michael Wellner, senior marketing manager for Jimmy Dean Fresh Taste. Fast! "The demand for great-tasting, convenient products continues to grow as consumers become more pressed for time and Jimmy Dean Fresh Taste. Fast! answers that need." As the 2003 ACI Gold Taste Award winner, Jimmy Dean Fresh Taste. Fast! fully-cooked bacon is the only product in its category that can take advantage of ACI's Gold Medal Endorsement Program. Jimmy Dean will display the ACI Gold Taste Award medal on its packaging, publicity materials, Web site and point- of-purchase displays by the end of the year. ACI's Gold Medal is a trusted symbol that signifies the Best of the Best in more than 1,000 food, beverage and culinary housewares categories. Only the winner in each specified product category may use the Gold Medal award in their marketing efforts. Competitors in the fully-cooked bacon category were judged without brand identification and a large variety of category specific and general culinary criteria including taste, aroma, freshness, mouth feel and overall impression for food products. "The American Culinary Institute is an organization of chefs dedicated to serving consumers in identifying the best food and beverage products and culinary equipment," said Chef Patrick Finney, national culinary director for the Institute who oversees the judging process. "We're happy to bestow the prestigious Gold Taste Award on Jimmy Dean Fresh Taste. Fast! for meeting our rigorous taste and quality standards in the fully-cooked bacon category."
E-mail: sflanagan@sprintmail.com |