030708 Burger King Corp Releases Animal Handling ReportJuly 5, 2003Miami, FL - Burger King Corporation announced its annual review of the corporation's industry-leading guidelines and audits for the humane handling of food animals around the world. The company implemented a formalized, worldwide audit system and audited 100 percent of the meat, poultry and egg processing facilities that handle animals destined for the BURGER KING system within the United States and Canada. Burger King Corporation also began auditing the treatment of animals in other international markets and developed relationships with key supplier groups and other agencies to expand its animal handling initiatives to markets outside of North America. "Burger King Corporation is the industry's leading champion in the adoption of meaningful requirements to ensure the appropriate and proper treatment of animals by its vendors and suppliers," said Brad Blum, chief executive officer, Burger King Corporation. "Over the past year, we have taken a leadership role in conjunction with the National Council of Chain Restaurant's (NCCR) and the Food Marketing Institute's (FMI) Animal Welfare Steering Committee in developing and successfully implementing a third-party auditing program of our suppliers. The program is based on sound science and uniform standards and educates auditors in a rigorous and exacting methodology. These trained third-party auditors provide a break-through level of consistency in monitoring adherence to meaningful standards of humane treatment throughout the industry." The company's third-party, certified auditing system was developed through a partnership with SES, Inc. a leading firm in the areas of environmental consulting, agriculture and program development and verification. This system includes an auditor certification program that ensures all site auditors are basing evaluations on uniform standards and practices. Also this fiscal year, Burger King Corporation completed audits of beef, pork, and poultry processing facilities for 100 percent of the BURGER KING system in the United States. Outside of the United States, Burger King Corporation has initiated and completed Animal Welfare Guidelines in Canada, and 100 percent of vendors and suppliers in the company's system in Canada were audited. A small number of organizations in North America did not meet company standards in this year's audits. Burger King Corporation is committed to improving compliance with proper animal handling guidelines throughout the industry and is actively assisting these vendors and suppliers in their efforts to reach full compliance with company standards. Audits are underway in the Asia Pacific Region. The company also formed or expanded relationships with groups and agencies vital to the success of current and future international audits including the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service, AUS Meat, Meat New Zealand and the Canadian Inspection Agency. Work is also underway in Europe, the Mid-East, Africa and the Far East. Within these areas, BURGER KING CORPORATION is conducting certification audits and implementing guidelines to ensure that products in all markets, international and domestic, are produced under Burger King Corporation's guidelines. Animal Handling Next Steps With Burger King Corporation's animal handling implementation efforts complete in the U.S. and Canada for 2003, the company will continue to expand its international implementation of Animal Well-being guidelines and audit processes. The company will also proceed in collaboration with the appropriate governing bodies to refine standards in a sound science-based attempt to achieve uniformity among U.S. and international guidelines. "Animal Well-being Guidelines for products sold in Latin America and the Caribbean are currently well-established and progressing, and we will be continuing our refinement of standards there as we are working to establish and enforce our guidelines in additional international markets," Blum said. "Additionally, we have met with numerous international government and industry representatives to ensure that our vendors and suppliers adhere to our Animal Well-being standards. Burger King Corporation's thoughtful implementation of animal handling practices this year raises the bar for corporate responsibility on the global level." Animal Well-being Advisory Council Burger King Corporation continues to work closely with the members of its nationally and internationally respected Animal Well-being Advisory Council. The council represents a group of experts that balance academic and technical knowledge with consumer insight and advocacy and provide constructive guidance in the ever-developing animal handling landscape. Council members include: Temple Grandin, Ph.D., Department of Animal Science, Colorado State University Janice Swanson, Ph.D., Animal Sciences & Industry, Kansas State University David Fraser, Ph.D, The University of British Columbia Ellis Brunton, Ph.D., Research & Quality Assurance, Tyson Foods, Inc. Adele Douglass, American Humane Association Laurie Haller, Director of Food Policy, National Consumers League Chet England, Burger King Corporation, Senior Director, Product Safety and Regulatory Compliance Rob Dougthy, Burger King Corporation, Vice President, Corporate Communications Jose Cil, Burger King Corporation, Senior Attorney Burger King Corporation Animal Handling Policy In June 2001, Burger King Corporation adopted its industry-leading practices for the humane handling of food animals. Burger King Corporation's practices require suppliers to the BURGER KING system to adhere to the strictest standards in the industry for the care, housing, transport and slaughter of cattle, swine and poultry. Burger King Corporation is enforcing these practices via a series of corporate and third-party audits at suppliers' facilities. Burger King Corporation has and will take appropriate action with suppliers who do not meet its animal handling standards.
E-mail: sflanagan@sprintmail.com |