021028 Organic Food Industry Grew Up in a DecadeOctober 21, 2002Washington - At a trade show here recently, it was apparent how the $10 billion organic foods industry has come of age in barely a decade. Many of the now-dominant companies struggled to gain acceptance among consumers who were slow to try the handful of food items available in the industry's infancy. In contrast, hundreds of companies were featured at the Natural Products Expo, and everything from organic beef meals to cheese snacks, custards and salad dressings were available for sampling. Start-ups even had organic pet food on hand, which analysts say might be the next big growth segment, since many people think of their pets as children anyway, and organic baby food is also a big seller. Now the industry is poised to receive its biggest stamp of approval yet, when the U.S. Department of Agriculture officially sanctions the organic label starting Oct. 21. The label means that only food companies that buy certified organic supplies, grown without synthetic pesticides, hormones and genetically modified seeds, can use the organic label on their products. "It will give consumers confidence," said Katherine DiMatteo, executive director of the Organic Trade Association. "Organic on the label will now be a truthful claim." The regulatory regime adds the latest pillar of support to an industry that's growing 20% or more per year.
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