020531 Food Technology's New Irradiated FoodsMay 18, 2002Mulberry, FL - Food Technology Service, Inc. announced the introduction of I-Care Foods. I-Care Foods is a full-line of chicken, turkey, beef, and eggs that are irradiated to remove pathogens such as Salmonella and E. coli 0157:H7. "These products look, taste and are used just like similar non-irradiated foods," said FTSI CEO Dr. Richard Hunter. "The only difference is that they are virtually free of the germs that can cause food-borne illness." I-Care Foods will be marketed to those who are most susceptible to life-threatening illness that may be transmitted by food. This includes individuals recovering from acute illness, those suffering from chronic disease, and others whose immune systems are weakened by advancing age, cancer therapies or HIV. Contaminated or improperly cooked foods can delay recovery or even be fatal for these individuals. Dr. Robert Windom, FTSI medical advisor and former U.S. Assistant Secretary for Health said, "Physicians have told us these products are important for their immuno-compromised patients. I-Care Foods provides these individuals with the nutrition they need and the extra measure of safety they demand while allowing them to enjoy their favorite meals." Another prime market for I-Care Foods is companies who will face extraordinary financial risk should their employees or customers become incapacitated from food they provide. Training tables for athletic teams, kitchens on ships at sea, oil platforms and similar remote sites and caterers serving these areas need the extra protection against food-borne illness provided by irradiated foods. "Imagine if an entire football team contracted a food-borne illness from a pre-game meal," said Hunter. "In the case of college or professional sports, millions of dollars could be at stake." Many companies face similar risks and need the safety provided by I-Care Foods. I-Care Foods are available in packages sized for residential and for institutional use. Hospitals, nursing homes and caterers can obtain I-Care Foods through their normal food suppliers. Military and VA facilities can order frozen irradiated chicken and turkey using stock numbers 8905-01-E19-4778 and 8905-01-E19- 4784, respectively. Frozen irradiated ground beef is available as 8905-01-E19-4782 (bulk) and LSN 8905- 01-E19-4783 (patties). The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that there are 76 million cases of food- borne illness in the U.S. annually, and attributes 325,000 hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths to food-borne illness each year. Food irradiation is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and endorsed by the American Medical Association and the American Dietetic Association.
E-mail: sflanagan@sprintmail.com |