020311 Radical Anti-Meat Group Targets Texas SupermarketMarch 2, 2002Austin, TX - Leafleters from the Eat Rights Project (whatever that is) shared disturbing information with customers about Central Market/HEB poultry and ground beef outside of the Central Market on North Lamar, TX. 100% of the meat samples obtained directly from Central Market/HEB or their suppliers had evidence of fecal contamination and disease-causing pathogens -- some in shockingly high amounts. Seven separate samples were obtained and the following bacteria and pathogens were found: -- Fecal coliforms -- Salmonella -- Campylobacter -- E. Coli -- Staphylococcus Aureus -- Listeria “Central Market is making money from selling fecal-contaminated meat, produced under conditions that maim and cripple slaughterhouse workers,” said Eat Rights Project Director Megan Parke, “When people go to Central Market, they think they are getting a classier upscale shopping experience,” said Parke, “Consumers are shocked to know that the meat has fecal contamination and the workers who produce the meat in Texas slaughterhouses are being maimed and crippled to make it. It's a broken system, and it's time that Central Market starts fixing it. Companies like Central Market are responsible for the quality of the meat and for the conditions under which the meat is produced.” A recent study of slaughterhouse conditions found that more than half of the workers are seriously injured on the job. [Check out: http://www.eatrights.org]. The excessively high line speeds in slaughterhouses contribute to the fecal contamination of the meat and to the number of workers being injured. HJW's Eat Rights Project has commenced a statewide campaign focusing on the power of wholesale and retail consumers to remedy worker-safety-based human rights violations in slaughterhouses operating in Texas. Demonstrations at numerous institutional purchasers of poultry and ground beef across the state are planned for the next several days. Demonstrations will increase public awareness of the link between fecal contamination and slaughterhouse worker injuries.
E-mail: sflanagan@sprintmail.com |