010907 Burger King Joins Nation InSeptember 14, 2001Miami, FL - The Burger King system has launched initiatives nationwide to assist the victims and family members of this week's horrific attacks in the air and at the site of two of our nation's cherished landmarks. Four BURGER KING restaurants located near “ground zero” in lower Manhattan have served as triage centers, command posts and information centers for displaced New Yorkers and rescue workers. Two restaurants located in Arlington, Virginia, closest to the Pentagon have been providing more than 300 sandwiches an hour to rescue workers. Employees all over the country are donating blood to their local community blood banks and Burger King Corporation has established a fund for all employees and franchisees to contribute to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund. The corporation will also make a contribution to the fund. Additionally, Burger King Corporation and its franchisees will publicize the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund information to customers via in-restaurant merchandising. Burger King mobile kitchen units are now serving food to rescue workers at the Pentagon and at an American Red Cross Center in Jersey City, New Jersey. Franchisees across the country are assisting in their local markets in a variety of ways, including supplying meals where they are needed. Suppliers to the Burger King system are donating product, as well as working with the restaurants located near the scenes of the attacks, to keep the food supply continually refurbished to accommodate the twenty-four hour demand. “This war against America is senseless and tragic. We are outraged and saddened but we will pull together as nation and be even stronger than before,” said John Dasburg, chairman, chief executive officer and president for Burger King Corporation. “In these difficult times, we are hearing stories of extraordinary acts of courage, some from our own Burger King family, which makes us very proud to be Americans. “
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