010563 White Castle Launches New TV, Radio PushMay 26, 2001Detroit, MI - White Castle has launched a new television and radio advertising blitz, featuring a new “Side Sample” promotion, tied to the beginning of the summer selling season. The advertising and promotional marketing has been created by J. Walter Thompson, Detroit. The new TV commercial, the first of several new spots slated for 2001, continues the “What You Crave” theme and delivers a mini-movie that tells the story of a creative Craver who knows how to make the most of any situation. In the 30-second commercial, entitled “Car Pool,” the camera captures a young couple in a hot tub. What should be a private, romantic moment is given a comic twist by the guy who says, “Only one thing can make this better,” as he pulls a sack of White Castle burgers into the pool. A buddy passing by in a car calls out his name as the camera pulls back to reveal the couple is ensconced in a make-shift pool in the back of a pick-up truck in the driveway. The moment of truth in the spot comes when the voice-over announcer says, “Yeah, he's one of ours,” referring to White Castle customers' unwavering loyalty to, and affection for, the burger chain's products. Jamie Richardson, Director of Marketing for White Castle, said, “We wanted to salute our deeply loyal customer base with these humorous ads and reward them for their patronage with a free taste of side samples through this promotion.” The commercial launches the free “Side Sample” promotion. When customers purchase a sack of ten hamburgers they receive a sampling of a side item ranging from onion rings, onion chips, chicken rings or cheese sticks depending on the market. Television advertising is complemented with a 60-second radio commercial, that features Cravers who have a passion for White Castle, as well as on premise signage and promotional materials. The “Side Sample” promotion will run in White Castle markets in: Chicago, Cincinnati, Columbus, Detroit, Indianapolis, Louisville, Minneapolis, Nashville, New Jersey, New York and St. Louis through June 17th.
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