000652 PETA’s Message For Meat-Eating Kids At McDonald'sJune 22, 2000Ronald McDonald, hatchet man? He is on the box of "McCruelty's Unhappy Meal," a gimmick by the animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, which has printed 10,000 "Unhappy Meal" kits for distribution at McDonald's playgrounds and near schools around the nation in July and August, with a possible repeat in October. There is no Charlotte chapter of PETA, and local animal rights activists say they haven't seen the kits and have no plans to distribute them, although they do distribute leaflets supporting veganism - eating no meat or dairy products - at McDonald's restaurants. The kits feature pictures of bloody animals and contain straw dabbed with red paint, a stuffed version of a blood-splashed Ronald holding a butcher knife, anti-meat stickers and toy animals painted to look like their throats have been slashed.
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