000616 Surprise Inspection Finds NO Violations at IBP PlantJune 10, 2000Olympia, WA - A state and federal team conducted an unannounced inspection of the Iowa Beef Processors meat-packing plant in Wallula. They saw no current evidence that animals were being cruelly slaughtered. The team, formed by Gov. Gary Locke, will now review the information and allegations about past animal mistreatment at the plant. Based on its conclusions, it will then decide whether other action is appropriate. Officials at the Walla Walla County plant cooperated with the government team and permitted them to observe various plant procedures, including the process by which cattle are rendered unconscious at the beginning of the slaughter process. “The cattle we observed at the plant were killed humanely,” said State Veterinarian Dr. Robert Mead. “I am satisfied that the animals were rendered unconscious at the very beginning of the slaughter.” The team conducted the inspection in response to a citizen petition and affidavits alleging violations of animal cruelty, food safety and worker safety laws at IBP. The petition and affidavits were delivered last week to Attorney General Christine Gregoire and Jim Jesernig, director of the Department of Agriculture. “We were prepared to initiate immediate legal action to halt the inhumane slaughter of animals if yesterday's visit had revealed that such practices were occurring at the plant,” said Jesernig. “However, the team witnessed nothing that would warrant such immediate action.” The seven-member team included Mead and another representative from the state Department of Agriculture, two compliance-enforcement officers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, two representatives from the state Department of Labor and Industries, and an assistant state Attorney General. The representatives from Labor and Industries saw no worker safety violations. Last week, Gov. Gary Locke asked the Attorney General's Office to assist the state Department of Agriculture in conducting a review of the animal cruelty allegations involving the plant. Also participating is the U.S. Department of Agriculture, state department of Labor and Industries and the State Patrol. The Walla Walla County Prosecutor's Office also has been asked to participate. Locke called the IBP allegations serious and asked for immediate regulatory action if the allegations were found to be true.
E-mail: sflanagan@sprintmail.com |