000467 No Meat for a Week is Problem for SomeMay 1, 2000Utica, NY - Are you a meat eater at heart? Could you survive on a vegetarian diet for one week if someone named the right price? If so, you may be joining the many other Americans who would agree to give up their carnivorous habits for $1000. An April Zogby America poll of 1,244 adults throughout the nation showed that 77.2% of Americans would be inclined to abstain from eating meat for one week if they received $1,000. At the same time, a surprising 21.2% said they were unable to commit to such a meatless decision, even if it meant a $1,000 check. Among racial subgroups, 91.6% of Asians and 93.3% of Hispanics, decided they could live without meat for one week, the number of experimental vegetarians among African-Americans and Whites was significantly lower than the other subgroups, with only 70.9% of African -Americans and 76.2% of Whites willing to accept such a deal. What we asked:? “How likely you would be to abstain from eating meat for one week for $1,000.”
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