000243 Red Meat Irradiation: “New Era in U.S. Food Safety”February 19, 2000Washington - A rule by the U.S. Department of Agriculture allowing the use of irradiation on red meat and hamburger, which becomes effective on February 22, “is the beginning of a new era in U.S. food safety,” according to Dr. Rhona Applebaum, Executive Vice President of Scientific and Regulatory Affairs for the National Food Processors Association. “Food irradiation is a safe, simple and relatively inexpensive process which has been available since the 1950s but sorely underutilized -- to the detriment of consumers. Food irradiation is an effective food safety process for destroying harmful pathogens such as E. coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes in many foods, as well as lengthening their shelf life,” Dr. Applebaum noted. “Beginning on February 22, food companies will be allowed to offer irradiated red meat products to consumers, as a means of further enhancing the safety of our nation's food supply. It's a true win for both the food industry and consumers -- and we are ecstatic to see this rule finally in place.” Dr. Applebaum pointed out that “The process for USDA and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to allow the use of irradiation on red meat took nearly seven years, which is far too long. This final rule was long overdue.” Dr. Applebaum stated that “Several months ago, the NFPA-led Food Irradiation Coalition petitioned FDA to allow irradiation to be used on a variety of ready- to-eat meats, fruits and vegetables and products thereof. FDA has stated that it will expedite this petition, which would have strong food safety benefits for consumers. We urge the Agency to act as quickly as possible to make this important food safety tool available for use on a wider range of products.” “NFPA will be working with government to provide educational information to consumers on food irradiation,” Dr. Applebaum said. “Recently, NFPA and other food industry and health organizations contributed to the content and printing of an FDA brochure titled 'Food Irradiation: A Safe Measure.' It is vital that government and industry work closely on educational efforts to ensure that consumers get the information they need to better understand the process and benefits of food irradiation.”
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