000130 Poultryfirst.com Launches Internet PortalJanuary 25, 2000Atlanta, GA - The launch here today of Poultryfirst.com, the most comprehensive auction-based Internet portal, ushers in a new era in the international poultry industry, providing both sellers and buyers of poultry with significant business opportunities, according to its founders. Designed specifically for the poultry marketplace by poultry industry specialists, Poultryfirst.com will provide the most expansive online auction of poultry products, allowing sellers to penetrate new untapped markets, and providing buyers with significant cost and time savings. “This is the ultimate integration of web-based technology and international market information to meet the evolving needs of all involved in the poultry industry,” said Jose Pablo Chaves, a founding partner and its president. “While other web sites may include some coverage of the poultry industry, Poultryfirst.com is dedicated only to the poultry industry, thus providing the most in-depth industry information and analysis, business management advice, and most importantly, e-commerce capabilities by which sellers and buyers could broaden relationships across the globe to increase sales and profits.” Coinciding with the launch of Poultryfirst.com at the International Poultry Expo was the conducting of the very first, of what Chaves said will be many, online auction of poultry product. “It's exciting to be able to provide the poultry industry, both sellers and buyers, with the technology to broaden its business, and do so easily, simply and without a significant capital investment. The future holds limitless opportunities for the international poultry industry,” he added. In particular, the launch of Poultryfirst.com offers opportunities for small sellers of poultry to penetrate into new markets, which up to this point have been dominated by the large producers. “This clearly levels the playing field, and ultimately benefits both sellers and buyers, large and small,” Chaves commented. “The initial reaction we have received to Poultryfirst.com has been sensational,” added Johnny Vega, a founder of Poultryfirst.com and its CEO. “One need only visit the Poultryfirst.com site to see and understand the clear difference -- and end-user benefits -- offered with this site as compared to competitive portals,” he noted. Vega concluded, “In short order the company will broaden its offerings to include additional services such as more extensive and personalized content, community, and online catalogs providing access to production equipment.”
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