A CALL for Conservatives to Stop Talking and Start Taking Action!“I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. "I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. "My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them. "It is not to inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones that do violence to the Constitution, or that have failed in their purpose, or that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden. "I
will not attempt to discover whether legislation is “needed” before
I have first determined whether it is constitutionally permissible.” -- Barry Goldwater Conservative
Obama's Win
Means Nothing! A note from Stephen Flanagan What
many people may NOT realize is that the LEAST important result of our
recent national election is that Barrack Obama won. As
I said before the election, Obama won't really come through on his
campaign promises because that would end up hurting HIM. His staff is
already quoted as saying "We really can't impose higher taxes on
the rich because that will hurt the economy". And they won't
actually repeal the Bush tax cuts. Imagine that! Obama is supporting the
Bush Tax Cuts that he so vehemently opposed during the election. Obama
knew this before the election, but continued on his campaign of class
warfare. Is
anyone out there going to hold Obama accountable for this obvious
deception? Of course not. But
that gets back to my point that liberals know HOW to win. Liberals feel
they have a RIGHT to DECEIVE Americans in order to gain power. That's
what they did and that's what they will CONTINUE to do in order to KEEP
that power. But
here's the REAL danger... The Liberals in this country now control 4 out
of the 5 centers of political power. They now have total control of the
United State Senate. They now have total control of the House of
Representatives. They now have total control of the White House. And
they have total control of the last watchdog for democracy - the
nation's so-called "free press". There's one more item on
their checklist and that is the Supreme Court. By the time Obama's
presidency is over, they likely will have that too. Five out of Five for
the first time in American history. What
does all this mean? Simple. It means the liberals in the country now
have "absolute power." That is both a good thing and a bad
thing. It
is bad because they can cast aside legitimate debate and govern without
fear of criticism or dissent. It
is good because they won't have anyone to blame when their liberal
agenda doesn't work. As a Conservative, I am almost happy that they won
so big. Without Bush to blame for everything from wars to hurricanes,
they will have to start looking at each other. That will be fun to
watch. But
as an American who believes in the ideals and freedoms this country has
bestowed upon us all, I feel we need to fight in order to
save our way of life. It
would be a mistake for Conservatives to start blaming everything on
Obama like the Liberals did to Bush for the past six years. By virtue of
our constitutional government, the President does not have the power to
change very much except for foreign policy and the appointment of some
judges. The
real danger is the Liberal Congress. They are ready to send bill after
liberal bill up to the White House for Obama to sign. We
must fight some of these policies because they will be the harbinger of
even worse things to come if they are not defeated:
There are hundreds of other issues that will come to light as the Liberals advance their agenda. Please don't be fooled by nice sounding words like
"fairness" or "rights" or "equality". These are the words they will use to impose THEIR
view on America. The result will be less freedom and more government
interference -- the same interference that brought the financial crisis. All
through history, the most horrible of oppressive regimes have come to
power during times of financial peril. The
Liberals in America have been waiting for this moment for 60 years. Now
that they have the power, they will exercise it. They also know that the
application of "common sense" would expose their socialist
agenda. Free expression of thought is a Liberal's worst enemy. That's
why the press covers up for them and why they truly feel that
"censorship" is necessary for their reign to be successful. Don't
be a party to it! Join
our organization so we can expose the Liberals for what they are...
Socialist leaning, power-hungry, authoritarians who TRULY BELIEVE only
THEY know what's best for YOU. Fight
for your freedom. Fight for the future of your children. Fight against
the Liberals in Washington. Please
become a member today! I'm
Stephen Flanagan. Thank you for listening!