A CALL for Conservatives to Stop Talking and Start Taking Action!

“I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size.

  "I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom.

"My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them.

"It is not to inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones that do violence to the Constitution, or that have failed in their purpose, or that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden.

"I will not attempt to discover whether legislation is “needed” before I have first determined whether it is constitutionally permissible.”

-- Barry Goldwater

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P.O. Box 221
Brightwaters, NY 11718

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"He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors."

-- Thomas Jefferson

"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil."

-- Thomas Paine






ACT to Repeal the Community Reinvestment Act!

ACT to Impeach Barney Frank!

ACT to Defeat Card Check Legislation

ACT to Stop the Flow of U.S. Oil Dollars Going to Hostile Countries

ACT to Stop Congressional Censorship of the Broadcast Media.

Repeal the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)

The Community Reinvestment Act was a Congressional action taken to force banks to invest in communities so that citizens of lesser means would have access to loans and mortgages. That's a great and noble goal. The problem from the beginning was the operative word, "FORCE".

The Federal Government was NOT ASKING Banks to lend to poor people, the Federal Government was FORCING Banks to lend to poor people. The goal was home ownership for minorities and other "disadvantaged people".

We will NOT get into the entire history of the "CRA". Please click the following link for some more background:


You will see that it all began in 1977 and is very complicated. But the single most striking "requirement" of this long and winding piece of legislation is as follows:

In October 2000, in order to expand the secondary market for affordable community-based mortgages and to increase liquidity for CRA-eligible loans, Fannie Mae committed to purchase and securitize $2 billion of so-called "MyCommunityMortgage" loans. 

In November 2000 Fannie Mae announced that the Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) would soon require it to dedicate 50% of its business to low- and moderate-income families." It stated that since 1997 Fannie Mae had done nearly $7 billion in CRA business with depository institutions, but its goal was $20 billion. In 2001 Fannie Mae announced that it had acquired $10 billion in specially-targeted Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) loans more than one and a half years ahead of schedule, and announced its goal to finance over $500 billion in CRA business by 2010, about one third of loans anticipated to be financed by Fannie Mae during that period.

Again... The Federal Government is FORCING Fannie Mae to give 50% of its business to "low and moderate income families". The result has been catastrophic. These people could not pay for their loans and the system has collapsed.

BTW... George Bush and the big bad "capitalists" did not take office until January 2001.

The Feds Have Fixed the 
Problem Right?


In light of all this, do you think Capital Hill has changed this legislation? NO ! ! ! !

Legislation that caused the financial meltdown and has brought the world into recession has NOT BEEN REPEALED or suspended or altered. 

Fannie Mae STILL has to give loans to people who can't pay them back!

What is Wrong With America?

Repeal CRA! Repeal it Now!

Call your representatives and ask them to represent YOU. Tell them to repeal toxic portions of the CRA.

Impeach Barney Frank!

Barney Frank has to go. It is as simple as that. 

Frank has become the poster boy for everything wrong with Washington. He's a tax and spend liberal zealot who thinks it is the business of the United States Congress to impose its will on the American people and on American business.

Frank has been a member and Chair of the House Financial Services Committee and has repeatedly supported Federal Law as a means to promote social engineering.

His great achievements include the above-mentioned sub-prime mortgage scandal. Frank's hand in this scandal covers every aspect including: 

  • Sleeping with the man he was supposed to be regulating.
  • Taking campaign contributions from Fannie/Freddie.
  • Denying that he knew about problems at Fannie and Freddie.
  • Blocking efforts to avoid the sub-prime crisis.
  • Lying about his knowledge of the dangers.
  • Advocating the CONTINUATION of the regulations requiring banks to give out bad loans.

Instead of resigning like a man because of his incompetence, he has instead set up a sophisticated network of supporters to cover up his complicity in the biggest financial scandal of our time. 

Frank  must be impeached as a means to investigate the history of the sub-prime mortgage scandal. At the very least, the people of Massachusetts should throw him out on the street in the next election.

Call your "representatives" on Capital Hill and demand that they represent YOU. Tell them to impeach Barney Frank. If you are in Barney Frank's Congressional district, demand that he resigns.

Defeat "Card Check" Legislation,
Also Know as the "Employee Free Choice Act"

"Card Check" is legislation being prepared by Congress that would eliminate the secret ballot in Union organizing elections.

The secret ballot has been a cornerstone of American democracy from the very beginning. The founding fathers knew the only way to guarantee fairness in any election was for the ballot to be secret. 

Liberals are great at putting names on legislation that  sound  "fair and logical". But don't be fooled by the term "Free Choice".

The only thing "card check" checks is how YOU voted

Congress wants to eliminate of the secret ballot so union organizers can use intimidation to guarantee your compliance.  

Supporters of this legislation have been changing the name around so you will not be able to track what they are doing. Card Check legislation is also know as the "Employee Free Choice Act". Here is a brief description of the legislation: 

"Under the proposed Employee Free Choice Act, introduced in the United States Congress in 2005 and again in 2007, the NLRB would recognize the union's role as the official bargaining representative if a majority of employees have authorized that representation via card check, without requiring a secret ballot election. It was passed by the House on March 1, 2007, but failed a cloture vote in the Senate."

The definition of the secret ballot:

"The secret ballot is a voting method in which a voter's choices are confidential. The key aim is to ensure the voter records a sincere choice by forestalling attempts to influence the voter by intimidation or bribery."

How would you feel is a couple of Union Organizers come up to you and wanted to know how you voted? Let's face it. This Law  is a clear attempt to intimidate workers to cast a vote in a certain way. This is America, NOT Communist China.

Save the Secret Ballot!

Call your representatives and ask them why they want to eliminate the secret ballot. Make them answer you and make them explain the INTENT of this legislation. 

This is a political pay-back to organized labor, nothing else. This travesty MUST be stopped.

Call your representatives and ask them to represent YOU. Tell them to save the secret ballot.

Drill Here and Drill Now!

You already have heard plenty about the 'Drill Here - Drill Now" movement.

There is no greater economic imperative for America today than to cut off the billions of dollars we send to the Middle East every year.

Not only with these dollars work wonders for our economy at home, but the United State of America in the last 20 years has financed everything from Al-Quida, to Iranian Nukes to Venezuela nut Hugo Chavez, to the military resurgence of the Soviet Union.

The Ultimate Grand Irony of History will be that American Petro-Dollars financed the tourists and enemies of democracy that want to destroy America.

Add the cost implications of low oil prices and the millions of jobs a new era of oil exploration will do for the country, and this become a no-brainer.

But the no-nuke kooks and the Greenies out there have their grip on Capital Hill. And it is a mighty grip. Though increasing production of domestic oil will not increase oil consumption (there is no shortage now at and demand is being met), Capital Hill can't get past the facts to do what's right.

If the Chinese can drill off the American coast, why should the U.S. NOT be able to?

The World is working to extract oil and will continue to do so. Until America gets back into the game, you can count on higher prices and horrible strains on our economy as $75 of every $100 you spend on oil and gasoline goes to the Middle East.

ALSO: For all you Greenies out there. Wouldn't you prefer American companies with all their environmental regulations out there pumping oil of the Coast. Or would you prefer China to do it (the country with ZERO environmental standards).

Call your representatives and ask them to represent YOU. Tell them to drill here and drill now.

Stop Congressional Censorship of the Broadcast Media!

Congress calls it the "Fairness Doctrine"

Don't let THIS name fool you either! The Fairness Doctrine is a Liberal attempt to impose government-sponsored censorship on the broadcast media. 

Liberals feel that if a radio station carries programs that THEY don't agree with, they should have the right to censor those programs. 

What better way to pass a piece of legislation than to use the word "fairness". Don't let them fool you... 

The fairness doctrine is the liberals' way of imposing CENSORSHIP. And THEY will be the ones who will decide what to censor.

The Fairness Doctrine has been strongly opposed by prominent libertarians and conservatives who view it as an attempt to regulate or mandate certain types of speech on the airwaves. Editorials in The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Times have said that Democratic attempts to bring back the Fairness Doctrine have been made largely in response to the successes of conservative talk radio.

In other words, Liberals are only considering enactment of the fairness doctrine because Conservative "opposition" has done well on the radio. 

Believe this: If Liberal programming was doing well, there would be no such rush to "regulate" the free speech exercised by broadcasters nationwide.

This is a free speech issue. The Congress of the United States has no right to impose CENSORSHIP on the media

The Liberals already "control" the press. They certainly don't need CENSORSHIP to CONTROL the last vestige of free speech left here in America.

Fight Liberals' attempts to CENSOR the nation's broadcast media. 

Call your representatives and ask them to represent YOU. Tell them to defeat passage of the "Fairness Doctrine".